Sunday, December 1, 2024

Children of the Dragon, Children of the Lamb #16: The New Heaven And New Earth (Revelation 21-22)

A quick reminder: Revelation is “A revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Revelation 1:1) “If anyone asks, ‘Why read the Apocalypse?’ the answer must be, ‘To know Christ better.’”To much of a focus on anything less will rob us of the goodness of the message of Revelation. 

The previous installment looked at the battles in Revelation, including the final one.   Here, finally, is the conclusion of Revelation.

The Bible is unified story that points toward the same conclusion. What we see in the final chapters of Revelation is the end to the unified story the Bible has been telling. One way we know the story is unified – and that this is the appropriate end – is the way the Fall in Genesis is reversed.